The Pan African University for Entrepreneurship and Development Charismatic International University, (CIU) is a Pan African Private University for Entrepreneurship and Development based in Limbe, Cameroon. It was founded in 2010 as a Christian Entrepreneurship University by the Crystal Educational Development and Investment Foundation, duly registered in the Republic of Cameroon under LAWS No. 92/006 OF 14 AUGUST 1992; No. 92/455/PM OF 23 NOVEMBER 1992 AND No 093/015 OF DECEMBER 22 1993 RELATING TO ECONOMIC INTEREST GROUPS; and under THE TREATY ON THE HARMONIZATION OF BUSINESS LAW IN AFRICA (OHADA) and THE UNIFORM ACT RELATING TO COMMERCIAL COMPANIES AND ECONOMIC INTEREST GROUPS; following the Higher Education Reform in the Country and the General Framework for the establishment of Private Universities by the Presidential Decree LAW N ° 005 April 16, 2001 CONCERNING THE FOCUS OF HIGHER EDUCATION.
Part of the purpose is founding the Charismatic International University is to provide continuing higher education to employees, and Christian believers and Ministers who are very busy to follow up with the regular academic program and offers  undergraduate and graduate degrees including doctorates.

Charismatic International University is accredited by the International Board for Christian and Professional Education, and World Institute for Theological Education Accreditation (WITEA).which is a member of The Council for Higher Education Accreditation, Washington DC. Also CIU is seeking accreditation with United Kingdom-based Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC) and is prospecting membership with European Distance and E – Learning Network (EDEN).
Charismatic International University is an affiliate campus of ICOF Global University, a MEMBER OF THE Global Revival Network of Universities USA

The mission of the University is to contribute in addressing the educational needs of thousands of youths yearning for qualitative university education emphasizing on professionalism, creativity, Entrepreneurship, Leadership Development,
Godliness and research for development by:

i. Seeking and using available and transferable technologies to make our graduates favourably competitive in a global economy.
ii. Offering opportunity to unleash and transfer invaluable knowledge and practical experience of locally available but un-tapped national and international manpower.
iii. Going for quality rather than quantity in admitting students.
iv. Ensuring that the students receive an education that enables them to become immediately operational upon leaving the university or can be self employed.
v. The university’s ultimate goal is to train the next generation of youths whose contribution in taking their communities out of the vicious cycle of unemployment and poverty making the University to become a place to belong.

In accordance with the philosophy conceived by the Founder, Charismatic International University is not just another university added to the long list of universities. Rather, it aims at addressing the un-addressed issues in higher education, consolidating the historic cultural diversity, unleashing the rich natural and human resources with which this region and indeed Cameroon in general and Africa as a whole is endowed with and galvanizing them towards raising productive graduates and decreasing un-employment and poverty in a bid to raise the standard of living of the masses. To raise a generation of leaders who will make impact and influence their world from the strong background of the godly training and exposures; those who are raised to be corruption free. Raising a godly manpower for National Development.

1. To raise godly professional and manpower, who will influence their society; become great entrepreneurs; those who will not be going around looking for jobs; but by the level of knowledge acquired can creates any form of enterprise, hence contributing towards National Economic Development and reducing unemployment.

2. To fight poverty and corruption in Africa through education

To be regarded as the foremost University providing highly accessible and enhanced quality education anchored by social justice, equality and national cohesion through a comprehensive reach that transcends all barriers.

The Nine – fold purpose of establishing Charismatic International University (CIU)
i. Teaching,
ii. Research

iii. Discipleship

iv. Entrepreneurship

v. Leadership Development

vi. Profesionalism

vii. Community service

viii. Life skilled learning for all and

ix. Anti-Corruption Education

This explains the nature of the Charismatic International University, in living out her core values in the pursuit of its mission. The essence of the philosophical description is indicative of the ideal four perspectives of the institution and its people—students, staff, faculty, trustees, administration, and alumni—who we are and who we are becoming.

i. We are an institution of higher education with an apostolic tradition of Biblical and evangelical Christianity.
ii. As individuals, we are at different points along the way, nevertheless journeying toward the ideal four perspectives of the Institute, which are:

a. Kingdom Citizenship, – gained by confessing Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives. In the Institution, and to outside our world, we are to live as citizens of the Kingdom of God, allowing our lives to be modeled by its focus and values. Holding the Word of God, as the basis of our faith, and the primary source of our life values and ethos and by which these values are revealed. Relying
on the Holy Spirit for assistance towards the discovery of the principles of life, understanding them and to conduct our lives and living to be consistent with them.

b. Academic and Intellectual Development,-
i. We believe that in a changing world that is getting more and more sophisticated and with modernized civilization, a world that has grown android in almost every aspect of it daily, we will achieve little with either an illiterate crop of ministers and or under developed crop of believers; We understand deeply that God desires that we should pursue excellence according to the standard of His will for us; to portray intellectual curiosity, flexibility, and absolute open mindedness, such as to deal with
life complexities and ambiguities, and to communicate effectively, weigh evidence, and make decisions. We appreciate the importance of each field of study and its interrelationship with other areas of knowledge.

ii. We uphold the truth that knowledge is the key to understanding ourselves, our world, and our future; by which also we gain basic understanding of our Christian faith, and all other areas and domain of sciences and fields of academic development. To gain intellectual development as to be acquainted with cross-cultural issues within one’s own area of training or discipline in order to develop understanding of, respect for, and cooperation with those of all other cultures or domain of life and living.

iii. Promote and expand the body of knowledge related to our profession or discipline.

iv. Have a thorough command of the primary sources, methodology and research skills, major issues, vocabulary, and facts in at least one academic field of study and understand how the skills acquired in this way may be adapted to other fields of endeavor.

v. Encourage and make provision for any person to learn at any period of life.

c. Developmental Empowerment, – Seek to develop godly Manpower with a creative Christian lifestyle whose purpose flows from a commitment to God through Jesus Christ. Honor our commitments and take responsibility for our personal behavior, decisions, and continuing growth. Know from experience that self-discipline, struggle, risk, and confrontation are necessary for growth, and recognize that because of the grace of God we grow even through our failures. Have experiences in self-assessment in every dimension of our lives, in values-clarification based on biblical truths, and in planning for continuous individual growth and renewal. Understand the capabilities of our physical bodies and are committed to the lifelong nurturing of our physical selves.

d. Transformational Services, – Being raised as godly Manpower, are able to follow joyfully Jesus’ example of service in the world and pour out our individual and corporate lives for others because of God’s love in Christ for us. Share our faith unashamedly, disciple other Christians, participate in missionary endeavors, minister to the needs of all persons regardless of their
agreement with our beliefs, and affirm the unique worth of every individual as one created by God, as one for whom Christ died, and as one who has been given individual gifts and talents to be discovered, developed, and directed toward service.

e. Strategic Anti-Corruption Education. In raising godly Manpower, we set up an academically structured Warfare against Corruption. Making each graduate a faithful stewards of time, talents, and resources, and who welcome and seek
opportunities for service as a means to clarify and practice our faith and knowledge.

The 21st Century has left Cameroon and indeed Africa with the need for critical system of education that is open and entrepreneurial. Cameroon as a Nation has been on a steady economic transition. Cameroon economy is gradually shifting
from the Public service oriented economy to a Private sector driven economy; and this economic transition needs to be consolidated from a well thought out approach that are creative and could be replicated in the National Concept;
enforced and fostered by an innovative academic research, as the world is undergoing rapid changes and is driven prominently by technology and globalisation.

The shift from a Civil Service dominated economy to a Private Sector driven economy is a necessity for growth and development. Therefore an educational programming that will help consolidate the transition is a necessity for the establishment of the Charismatic International University.
The Charismatic International University (CIU) as It is designed is to become a leading academic center both for On Campus Leaning (OCL) and Online Distance Learning (ODL) institution in Africa providing Standard, functional, flexible, accessible and cost-effective education for all who seek knowledge.

We are currently working to establish Study Centers and Campuses across 5 Geo Political Sub Regions of Africa. Our target is to keep the cost of learning structurally low for all Africans. As a Pan African University and a faithful trustee of the Cameroonian and African people, CIU leverages on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to deliver an education tailored towards the globalized economy. The University offers exceptional academic programmes that meet the specific needs of all sectors of the global economy, in the Arts and Humanities; Health; Law; Physical, Social, Agricultural and Management Sciences.

As an OCL and ODL institution, CIU is an equal opportunity university determined
to meet the following objectives:
i. Provision of Education for All
ii. Cost effectiveness
iii. Improved economies of scale
iv. Flexibility of delivery system
v. Maximum utilization of academic personnel
vi. On-the-job teacher training
vii. Poverty eradication, vocational and lifelong education
viii. Provision of non-formal education

ix. Promotion of lifelong learning
x. Reaching the unreached

xi. Propagation of national orientation